Order of Service - Jan. 17, 2021


Second Sunday after the Epiphany

Order of Service begins on pg.4 of Blue Service Booklet (S.B.)

Prelude  “Behold the Lamb”

Opening Hymn “All Hail The Power Of Jesus’ Name”  Hymnal #43
“Majesty”  Hymnal #10
Collect Prayer of the Day
Bible readings 
     1 Samuel 3:1-20, Pew Bible—pg. 130;  
       Psalm 139: 1-6, 13-18,  pg. 300,
       1 Corinthians 6:12-20, pg. 556

Sequence Hymn  “Love Lifted Me” Hymnal #508 (sing first & second stanzas)

Gospel Reading John 1:43-51, pg. 517
(sing last stanza of “Love Lifted Me”  Hymnal #508)

Sermon The Rev. Andrew Doan
Nicene Creed S.B. pg.  6
Prayers of the People S.B. pg. 34
Form III, S.B. page 37
Confession S.B. pg.  8
The Peace S.B. pg.  9
Offertory Anthem - “Days Of Elijah”  (See insert)
Holy Communion S.B. pg. 15 Prayer B
The Lord’s Prayer S.B. pg. 11
Communion Hymns “Receive The Body Of Christ”

 “Behold The Lamb”  Hymnal #304
Post Communion Prayer S.B. pg. 13
Closing Hymn “I Must Tell Jesus”
 Hymnal #636

“My Country Tis of Thee”

Our father's God, to Thee, Author of liberty, to Thee we sing:
Long may our land be bright with freedom's holy light.
Protect us by Thy might, Great God, our King.

Dismissal    S.B. pg. 13.   Go in peace to love and serve the Lord as God’s light to
the nations; Honor the Lord, preach what you know of the    risen Christ, and may the Holy Spirit strengthen you with peace as 
He alights on you and affirms you as God’s beloved ones.  Alleluia! Alleluia!  

People: Thanks be to God. Alleluia. Alleluia. 
