The Greatest Question?

What would you say is, or could be, the greatest question one could ask that would apply across the spectrum of humanity regardless of time, culture, or personal circumstances? As we consider the plethora of cultures and human conditions that have existed down through the ages, does one particular question come to mind that very possibly could be on all, or most of, their minds too?
While many questions could possibly fit that criteria, I believe it is still possible that one in particular floats to the top of the heap of questions. That question is, “What happens after I die?” Do you have an answer to that question? If you do, how do you know it is true? How do you know you are not coming up with an answer that merely makes you feel better, but has no basis in fact?
Some have called that “the great epistemological question.” How do I know what I know? How do I know that what I know is true, or right, or correct?
Some answer that question by saying there is no way of knowing – that one would have to have complete, full, comprehensive knowledge of everything, and that will never happen, so it’s impossible to know the answer to that question.
But everyone must make some presuppositions. Even those who claim the answer is unknowable have made some presuppositions. A quick internet search will reveal the broadness of that topic. I’ll leave that to you to investigate.
My place of beginning is with one’s self. I know I have asked the “greatest question” in my past – long before I actually began to seek the answer. The question did not “dog” me every day, but every once in a while it would surface in my mind, and I’d ponder it for a time, and then get back to what I needed to do at the moment.
Have you ever seriously pondered the question of what happens after you die? Do you have an answer? If so what is it? If not, think about it and see what you come up with for an answer. And watch what you do and how you actually arrive at that answer. It can be quite interesting.
After all, as someone once said and I have often repeated it, “None of us are getting out of here alive.”
More next blog


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