31 Days of Prayer for Revival - Day 27

31 Days of Prayer for Revival - Day 27

The mayors, city councils, county commissioners and school boards all need our intercessory support too. Do you know the names of those people in your area? They are very likely listed on a web page for your city and county. 


Heavenly Father, I come to You today asking You to do a mighty thing in the lives of those who serve as mayors, on city councils, as county commissioners and those who sit on the school boards across our great land. Your Son grew up in a town with leaders that exercised the authority You gave them. Pour Your Holy Spirit upon our local leaders in power to bring true, heartfelt, deep revival to them if they claim to be followers of Jesus Christ. If they do not claim that Jesus is their Lord and Savior, that is their greatest need so I ask You to reveal to them their need of You, and help them to understand what they need to do to come into that holy relationship with You. Then, Father, help them all to fully understand what their role is as servants of the people of their communities. Help them to fulfill those duties to the absolute best of their ability, helping them attain the knowledge they need, and bringing the appropriate knowledge to bear in every situation they face. Strengthen them, and protect them from the evil one; give them resolve to do the right thing in accordance with Your Word. Bring them to and keep them in purity towards You as they serve. May You work powerfully in and through these You have placed in these positions of leadership. I ask this in the strong Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


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