July 2, 2019 - What's Most Important?

In this past Sunday's Gospel reading from Luke 9:51-62 we read Jesus' response to a few who wanted to follow Him. His words to them are sobering.

Jesus, in essence, said there is nothing more important than sharing the Gospel.

To the first, Jesus said He had no home. In saying that, He implied to the first person, "Are you willing to live without any place to call home? For the rest of your life?

The second person said he would follow Jesus, but first wanted to bury his father. We may see Jesus' reply as being a bit cryptic, but He said "Leave the dead to bury their own dead. But as for you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God." So He was saying that as important as it is to address family needs, the proclamation of the Kingdom of God (proclaiming the Gospel) is more important. Yes, you will be ridiculed for making the decision I call you to, but it's worth it in God's eyes.

The third person just wanted to say farewell to his family. Jesus said "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God." Again, in essence, our focus must be solely on what we are doing, not anything else, and certainly not something that is past. And what we should be doing is sharing the Good News of redemption in the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Eternally speaking, that is all that matters. To E V E R Y B O D Y!

So... How are you proclaiming the Kingdom of God today! Let's "gossip the Gospel."


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