
Showing posts from 2019

Christmas Services at TSRC

Christmas Eve. Dec. 24, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. Service of Holy Communion with Wonderful Music and Reception afterwards.  Christmas Day, Dec. 25, 2019, at 10:00 a.m.  Service of Holy Communion with Music Sunday, Dec. 29, 2019 at 10:00 a.m.  Sunday Service of Holy Communion With Coffee Hour following Recent sermons on YouTube link to the right of this page.

Power That We Often Do Not Access

In Daniel 10:12, the angel said to Daniel, "...from the first day that you set your heart to understand and humbled yourself before your God, your words have been heard, and I have come because of your words." WOW! Did you grasp that?! Earlier in the chapter we read how Daniel mourned for 21 days. We know that prayer was at least a substantive part if not the main part of that mourning because of what the angel said to Daniel. He had been "speaking" and those words Daniel spoke were heard. And who else might we think heard them but God. So God dispatched the angel to minister to Daniel, and even through Daniel's intercessions to reveal God's plan for the people. That revelation of the plan in and of itself was help to all people everywhere and for all time. What I'd like you to see right now from this is the power we have access to through devoted, concerted, heartfelt prayer to our heavenly Father about anything that we bring to Him. He cares fo...

Memorial Service for Sharon Pittman - Saturday, Nov. 2, 2019 at 10:00 a.m.

We will give thanks to God our heavenly Father for Sharon Pittman, Saturday, Nov. 2, 2019 at 10 a.m. at The Solid Rock Church. A reception with light refreshments in the church will follow the service. All are welcome. To God be the glory!

Dinner Fellowship and Presentation on Necessary Financial Conversations (RSVP requested-info below)

Tuesday, Oct. 22 at 6:00 p.m. we have a fellowship dinner with a presentation by Ensure Financial Group, LLC on important conversations to have with family for informed Planning In Advance/Necessary Conversations. Often people are surprised, and in a bad way, about things that take place when a loved one approaches end of life. And since that can happen to anyone at any age, being informed is so very important. For example, do you know about and understand the vitally important info about the Medicare Spend Down Rule? You may not need the information gained for years to come, but you will have it when you do need it, and if laws change you will be more likely to become aware of that and will know what to do. Join us for this fun, fellowship and information! To God be the glory! RSVP by Sunday, Oct. 20 by calling the church at 863-875-4825 and leaving your name, number attending, and a call back phone number. If you see this after Oct. 20 but before the event, call us anyway to ...

Bishop Cyril's Visit Postponed

Bp. Cyril, of the Diocese of Asante Mampong, Ghana, has come down with malaria and therefore will not be with us this coming Sunday, Oct. 6, as previously planned. Please pray for Bp. Cyril's quick and complete healing! The lunch after the service that was planned to honor Bp. Cyril and give him and us a chance to "catch up" and hear more about the ministries in both Ghana and TSRC has been postponed. However, while we are not 100 % sure, the probability is high we will have with us this coming Sunday, Oct. 6, another bishop from Africa. If so, we WILL continue to learn first hand more about what God is doing in Africa! WE WELCOME ALL to come join us! To God be the glory!

The Torah (Genesis-Deuteronomy) and the US Constitution

The Rev. Dr. John Nyhan's Sunday Sermon and Adult Ed. Class for Sept. 22, 2019 now uploaded to The Solid Rock Church's YouTube page. Click the video link at the right for the sermon. To access previous Class presentations and Sermons, go to   or click the Sermon Archive link under the video image. To God be the glory!   

NEW STUDY & Sermon Series begins Sept. 1

The Bible and the U.S. Constitution [Click the video link to the right of this page for the latest upload in the series. Click the Sermon Archive link below the video image to see past teachings & sermons.] The Rev. Dr. John Nyhan will begin a five week series on Sept. 1, 2019 on the Biblical foundations of our U.S. Constitution. Fr. Nyhan has done extensive study on this topic and will share his insights on the historical foundation of this most important of documents. It will help us not only in living out our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, but also some practical ways that our faith impacts the country as a whole. Fr. John will cover this in both Adult Education which begins at 9:00 a.m. and this topic will be further covered in his sermon at the 10:00 service. This series will be presented over the five Sundays of September. Come join us, be blessed and informed to be a better disciple of Jesus Christ, to the glory of God!

Our Wed. Noon Bible Study group.

We're studying Daniel at the TSRC Wed. Noon Bible study group. Wed. Aug. 21 we begin chapter 6. Come join us! We do still have room!

Adult Ed. and... A New Website!

Sunday, August 11, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. we begin the Fall offering of our Inquirers' Course. This is a 3-Session course that introduces the life and ministry of The Solid Rock Church to anyone interested. This course is required if one desires to become a member of TSRC. We will also offer the identical course on Wednesdays, at 1:30 p.m. Both Courses will meet in the Conference Room. Come early to get a cup of coffee before we begin. The first Session is on basic Christianity. The second Session on basic Anglicanism. And the third Session is on life and ministry in and through TSRC, what members can expect from being a member, and what the congregation expects of its members. Call the church office at 863-875-4825 and leave your name if you plan to attend so enough hand-outs will be prepared AND... . Keep your eyes peeled for a NEW website for TSRC. The new site is under construction and we hope to unveil it in the not too distant future! To God be the glory!

July 2, 2019 - What's Most Important?

In this past Sunday's Gospel reading from Luke 9:51-62 we read Jesus' response to a few who wanted to follow Him. His words to them are sobering. Jesus, in essence, said there is nothing more important than sharing the Gospel. To the first, Jesus said He had no home. In saying that, He implied to the first person, "Are you willing to live without any place to call home? For the rest of your life? The second person said he would follow Jesus, but first wanted to bury his father. We may see Jesus' reply as being a bit cryptic, but He said "Leave the dead to bury their own dead. But as for you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God." So He was saying that as important as it is to address family needs, the proclamation of the Kingdom of God (proclaiming the Gospel) is more important. Yes, you will be ridiculed for making the decision I call you to, but it's worth it in God's eyes. The third person just wanted to say farewell to his family. Jesus said...

Pentecost - Sunday June 9, 2019

Week of Last Sunday After Easter - June 02, 2019 Pentecost is Sunday, June 9 Greetings Sisters & Brothers in Christ, This coming Sunday is Pentecost Sunday and you know that means wear some red when you come to church.  Pentecost is a major feast day in the life of the church and we celebrate the gift of Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is He Who brings God's life into every part of who we are as persons. Holy Spirit is He Who leads us in the ways of God and of His ministry in and to the world. Holy Spirit is He Who teaches us, reveals God to us and to the world. One of the passages we could read on Pentecost includes "To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good." (1 Cor. 12:7) I bet most everyone, if not everyone, would agree that God needs to be manifest more in the world. God is love, and as the old song goes, "What the world needs now, is love, sweet love." God is made visible when we operate in the areas of our giftedness and carry out ...

Ascension Day - Thursday, May 30, 2019

Greetings all, Today is Ascension Day, the day we remember Jesus ascending to heaven 40 days after His resurrection. Here is a link to Bishop Barron's 8 min. video on this feast day and why the Ascension of Jesus is important to us. Remember, the Ascension is specifically named in the Creeds which indicates its importance in the minds and life of the early church. It has something significant to teach us! Here is the link: This Sunday we will not only remember the Ascension, but we will also be covering the second message in preparation for Pentecost Sunday, June 9, when Canon Bill Lester will be with us. That WILL be a special Sunday in that we will have a different service, but still with all the parts, and then some. God will touch every person present. Pentecost should be not merely an event we recall with fondness, but something we experience in our own personal lives and as God in His love and sovereignty ch...

TSRC News April 25, 2019

NEW ADULT EDUCATION COURSE begins Sunday, April 28, 2019  Foundations of Faith (10-Part Series) This series led by Rick Renner covers the fundamentals you must have in your life to grow up spiritually. Specifically, he covers six vital doctrines that are essential to know and understand if you are to become spiritually mature.   If you really want to grow up spiritually and become all that God wants you to be, you must have certain fundamental principles in place under the foundation of your life. This series will help you know what they are and how to fit them securely in place! Topics in this 10-part series include: •    Determining Your Level of Spiritual Growth •    What Is Saving Faith? •    Three Types of Baptism in the New Testament •    The Laying on of Hands •    The Doctrine of Resurrection •    Repentance: What It Is, What It Isn’t, and How To Do It •   ...
2019-04-14, Palm Sunday sermon now posted. Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:4-11, Luke 22:14-23:56; "Why From Praise To 'Crucify Him!'?"                                      Holy Week Schedule Holy Wednesday   Service of Holy Communion, 7:00 p.m.     Sermon Topic: "Taking the Holy Spirit Seriously" Maundy Thursday   Service of Holy Communion at 7:00 p.m. with optional foot washing and stripping of the Holy Table and beginning of The Watch. The Watch   Jesus asked His closest disciples, "Could you not watch with me one hour?" At your own home (or location of your choosing - the church is closed during the night) set aside time to pray. Jesus added, "Pray that you may not enter into temptation." At least for The Watch, this is the purpose of praying for one hour. Good Friday    Service of Solemn Collects (no Holy Communion) at Noon and again at 7:...
POWERFUL TESTIMONY!!! Click this link and listen to Mike's testimony of how God saved his life! Really! It's a powerful blessing! Do it now!

Lent Wed. Eve. Service Series

Wednesday evenings in Lent, March 13 through April 17, the 7:00 p.m. service will address six topics that are essential for a Biblical Christian witness to the world. These messages will lean on J.I. Packer's collected articles in a little book titled "Taking God Seriously."  The topics include, in no particular order, Faith, Doctrine, Holy Communion, Baptism, Holy Spirit, and the Church. Other topics may be touched on as they are sprinkled in within the messages of those listed.  Each Wed. evening we will have Holy Communion for those who can receive it.  Come join us, and bring a friend! To God be the glory!

Ash Wednesday - March 06, 2019

Services for Ash Wednesday will be at NOON and at 7:00 p.m. Service includes imposition of ashes and Holy Communion. Sunday service is at 10:00 a.m. and is preceded by Adult Christian Ed. at 9:00 a.m. Come join us! You are welcomed!