Easter Letter 2016
Dear Sisters and Brothers in the Lord; I recently wrote the beginning blog of a series of messages for the church’s web site that I pray will help those who read it, and have not yet embraced the Gospel message of Salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, to do precisely that; to repent and live in faith and fellowship with God our Savior in the power and presence of Holy Spirit, and in fellowship with His Body here on earth – the Church. The blog is titled, “The Greatest Question?” Jesus came and gave us the answer to the greatest question, and isn’t that like our God to bless us not just in every way, but most assuredly to give us our greatest need? All we have to do is receive it and live in faith and thanksgiving to Him for His greatest gift. To that end, the Church over the many centuries has been led to offer formal times of worship, following in the long line of practices of God’s people since He brought them out of bondage in Egypt many, many centuries ago, to ...