Readings & Prayer Page for Sunday, March 29, 2020
Readings & Prayer List for Sunday, March 29, 2020 Readings Ezekiel 37:1-14; Psalm 130; Romans 8:6-11; John 11:1-45 Prayer List Birthdays : Margaret Doan was March 27; Bob Loftus, April 2; Barb Taylor, April 2; Marilee Wells, April 3. Those departed : Sue West (passed away in January, but we just heard. Sue was a faithful former parishioner at the former parish, but moved to Indiana many years ago, and was still receiving emails from us as a member of the Prayer Team for intercessions. May she rest in peace. Sue was 92.) Those in need : Sheila, Wanda, Fran, John, John & Audry, Johnny C., Carol M., the Anderson family, Lucille F., Jack O., Jack J., Bev N., Pat R., Clayton P., John J. The Local Community : Life Choice Pregnancy Center; Mayors & City Councils; homeless ministry; Polk County Law Enforcement; Coronavirus victims & the virus eradication; Polk County Schools & School Board. Various needs : Vision for TSRC; Spiritual Revival in USA; all ...