10th Anniversary Celebration! Sunday, January 14, 2018 we celebrate 10 years of God's mission and ministry through The Solid Rock Church! All are welcome and all are invited to come join us as we recount where we have come from, where we have been, and where it is that God may be leading us! Service time is 10 a.m. and if you like, join us for Adult Christian Ed. at 8:45 a.m. too! We are beginning a 3 session course called the Inquirers' Course. This covers the basics of the Christian faith in Session 1. Then in Session 2 we cover the basics of the Anglican expression of the faith. And finally in Session 3 we cover the basics of what it means to be a member of TSRC. No implied commitment by attending this course. So come join us Sunday, Jan. 14 for our 10th Anniversary Celebration at 10 a.m., and the Adult Ed. course at 8:45 a.m. too if you like. To God be the glory!!