Pentecost - Sunday June 9, 2019

Week of Last Sunday After Easter - June 02, 2019
Pentecost is Sunday, June 9

Greetings Sisters & Brothers in Christ,

This coming Sunday is Pentecost Sunday and you know that means wear some red when you come to church. 

Pentecost is a major feast day in the life of the church and we celebrate the gift of Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is He Who brings God's life into every part of who we are as persons. Holy Spirit is He Who leads us in the ways of God and of His ministry in and to the world. Holy Spirit is He Who teaches us, reveals God to us and to the world.

One of the passages we could read on Pentecost includes "To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good." (1 Cor. 12:7) I bet most everyone, if not everyone, would agree that God needs to be manifest more in the world. God is love, and as the old song goes, "What the world needs now, is love, sweet love." God is made visible when we operate in the areas of our giftedness and carry out the ministry God wants. It is then that the love of God becomes "infectious" and spreads to others, hopefully drawing them to Jesus if they do not already know Him, and if they do, then they are edified by our sharing of God's power and presence through the spiritual gifts He has bestowed. 

Canon Bill Lester, ordained for over 50 years and very experienced in bringing the ministry God wants in different places around the globe, will be with us to teach/preach, and there will be an opportunity to be prayed for specifically. And Bill+ is very engaging when he speaks. You will be enlightened in more ways than one, and God will be glorified

Perhaps it would be a good idea to read Acts 2:1-21 and perhaps Romans 8:14-17 and study how God empowers the Church and moves out into the world through each one of us. God bless you all, and...

To God be the Glory!
Fr. Andy +

P.S. - You  r e a l l y  don't want to miss this Sunday!

This Summer...


Two suggestions for your to make your summer one of the best yet!

Read a book on prayer, and pray more each day. The world is desperately in need of a a great move of intercessory prayer by God's people.The Church is in need of revival!

Every great move of God it seems begins when His people are fervently in prayer. I recall that my former Rector, the Rev. Bill Lewis, shared with me how when someone came to him when he was Rector of a church in the suburbs of Pittsburgh and asked about the renewal that was taking place in the Church back in the '70s, he pulled back a curtain in his office and pointed to a home not far away. He told the person to go talk to the people who met in that house for prayer, because they had been praying for quite some time for renewal to come to the Church. That's not to say they were the only ones praying, but they were certainly a part of that prayer movement.

Maybe God is calling us to be part of the new prayer movement of His Church to bring revival once again.

Will you study on prayer, and pray? I am going to read a book about Rees Howells who was known in his time as a powerful prayer warrior. I've also heard that the book titled "Prayer" by Timothy Keller is excellent on, as it is subtitled, "Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God."

Make this a GREAT summer, and to God be the glory!
Adult Christian Ed.

Adult Ed. continues for the next four Sundays on the following topics: 
  • June 9 - The Doctrine of Eternal Judgment 
  • June 16 - A Transplant That Will Save Your Life
  • June 23 - Are You Just A Listener, Or Are You A Disciple?
  • June 30 - Understanding Your Spiritual Level
Can you answer questions on all of these topics? I pray you can, and if not, please do invest in your relationship with God by attending these sessions. They all start on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m.

As always... To God be the glory!


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